
Focused on movement, space and how we can appreciate abstract living.

Dominique James is an abstract artist living in California. Intrigued by her grandmother’s makeup from an early age, her love for texture and color started young.

“I didn’t paint a lot as a kid. I actually don’t ever remember painting in school except for one time in my kindergarten class.  I basically just collected makeup, touched it, and mixed it up all the time because that’s what was more available and normal to me. Anything I could mix, or use a brush for, I was hooked.” 

As her love for makeup continued into adulthood, she still looked for other ways to express her creativity. While her husband (Chance James) would start building his own art career, Dominique would work along side him trying new techniques. Learning as she went, Dominique developed a style that is completely her own. Playing with color, texture and movement, her pieces are authentic to each space.

“Painting offers me the same idea as makeup, but it can live on canvas forever and create space for others.”

Inspired by the ascetics of  curious & beautiful surroundings, Dominique explains that her pieces come intuitively and feel to her as if she’s building a home piece by piece. She feels that solving a problem of the puzzle is what makes abstract art so interesting.

“I want to be an artist who is constantly growing and experimenting.”

Dominique says her work nods to movement and forward thinking. By noticing and seeing the present, she believes we can experience more true connection and freedom in life.

“In each of my pieces,  I know what I offer is present and true and that’s how I want to connect to people and the world around me. I hope I can help the viewer experience even a small piece of that as well.”’


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